Thursday, September 2, 2021

Welcome to my First Blog Post!

Hello everyone! My name is Vanessa Diluca and I would like to welcome you to my blog. I am very excited to get this blog up and running throughout the next 6 weeks.


A little bit about me ... 


I enjoy spending time with friends and family. I love movies, scrapbooking, animals, and exploring new places as well as trying new things!


 My main goal for this blog is to take something I am passionate about and turn it into something that I can share with others!


The genius hour question I will be exploring is: What are some ways we can naturally alleviate stress during this new school year?

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the stress management strategies I incorporate into my blog, I will be testing them myself throughout these next six weeks. 

When I am feeling stressed, I will try one of that week's strategies and document my stress levels before and after the activity. 

Until next time!

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